BAFTA ai migliori effetti speciali
Il BAFTA ai migliori effetti speciali (BAFTA Film Award for Best Visual Effects o Best Special Effects) è un premio annuale, promosso dal BAFTA a partire dal 1982[1].
Albo d'oro
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]Anni 1980
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- 1983
- Richard Edlund - Poltergeist - Demoniache presenze (Poltergeist)
- Richard F. Taylor e Harrison Ellenshaw - Tron (Tron)
- Douglas Trumbull, Richard Yuricich e David Dryer - Blade Runner (Blade Runner)
- Dennis Muren e Carlo Rambaldi - E.T. l'extra-terrestre (E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial)
- 1984
- Richard Edlund, Dennis Muren, Ken Ralston e Kit West - Il ritorno dello Jedi (Return of the Jedi)
- Roy Field, Brian Smithies ed Ian Wingrove - Dark Crystal (The Dark Crystal)
- Gordon Willis, Joel Hynek, Stuart Robertson e Richard Greenberg - Zelig (Zelig)
- Michael L. Fink, Joe Digaetano, Jack Cooperman, Don Hansard, Colin Cantwell e William Fraker - Wargames - Giochi di guerra (WarGames)
- 1985
- Dennis Muren, George Gibbs, Michael J. McAlister e Lorne Peterson - Indiana Jones e il tempio maledetto (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)
- Fred Cramer - Urla del silenzio (The Killing Fields)
- Richard Edlund - Ghostbusters - Acchiappafantasmi (Ghostbusters)
- Christopher Tucker ed Alan Whibley - In compagnia dei lupi (The Company of Wolves)
- 1986
- George Gibbs e Richard Conway - Brazil (Brazil)
- Nick Allder e Peter Voysey - Legend (Legend)
- Kevin Pike e Ken Ralston - Ritorno al futuro (Back to the Future)
- R/Greenberg Associates - La rosa purpurea del Cairo (The Purple Rose of Cairo)
- 1987
- Robert Skotak, Brian Johnson, John Richardson. Suzanne Benson e Stan Winston - Aliens - Scontro finale (Aliens)
- Peter Hutchinson - Mission (The Mission)
- Duncan Kenworthy, John Stephenson e Chris Carr - Dreamchild
- Roy Field, Brian Froud, George Gibbs e Tony Dunsterville - Labyrinth - Dove tutto è possibile (Labyrinth)
- 1988
- Michael Lantieri, Michael Owens, Ed Jones e Bruce Walters - Le streghe di Eastwick (The Witches of Eastwick)
- John Evans - Full Metal Jacket (Full Metal Jacket)
- Chris Walas, Jon Berg, Louis Craig e Hoyt Yeatman - La mosca (The Fly)
- Bran Ferren, Martin Gutteridge, Lyle Conway e Richard Conway - La piccola bottega degli orrori (Little Shop of Horrors)
- 1989
- George Gibbs, Richard Williams, Ken Ralston e Ed Jones - Chi ha incastrato Roger Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
- Rob Bottin, Phil Tippett, Peter Kuran e Rocco Gioffre - RoboCop
- Gino De Rossi e Fabrizio Martinelli - L'ultimo imperatore (The Last Emperor)
- Peter Kuran, Alan Munro, Robert Short e Ted Rae - Beetlejuice - Spiritello porcello (Beetlejuice)
Anni 1990
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- 1990
- Ken Ralston, Michael Lantieri, John Bell e Steve Gawley - Ritorno al futuro - Parte II (Back to the Future Part II)
- Kent Houston e Richard Conway - Le avventure del barone di Munchausen (The Adventures of Baron of Munchausen)
- Derek Meddings e John Evans - Batman (Batman)
- George Gibbs, Michael J. McAlister, Mark Sullivan e John Ellis - Indiana Jones e l'ultima crociata (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)
- 1991
- Production Team - Tesoro, mi si sono ristretti i ragazzi (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids)
- Production Team - Atto di forza (Total Recall)
- Production Team - Dick Tracy
- Production Team - Ghost - Fantasma (Ghost)
- 1992
- Stan Winston, Dennis Muren, Gene Warren Jr e Robert Skotak - Terminator 2 - Il giorno del giudizio (Terminator 2: Judgment Day)
- Frans Wamalink, Eve Ramboz e Masao Yamaguchi - L'ultima tempesta (Prospero's Books)
- Allen Hall, Scott Farrar, Clay Pinney e Mikael Salomon - Fuoco assassino (Backdraft)
- Stan Winston - Edward mani di forbice
- 1993
- Michael Lantieri, Ken Ralston, Alec Gillis, Tom Woodruff Jr., Doug Chaing e Doug Smythe - La morte ti fa bella (Death Becomes Her)
- Richard Edlund, George Gibbs, Alec Gillis e Tom Woodruff Jr. - Alien³
- Michael Fink, John Bruno, Craig Barron e Dennis Skotak - Batman - Il ritorno (Batman Returns)
- Randy Fullmer - La bella e la bestia (Beauty and the Beast)
- 1994
- Dennis Muren, Stan Winston, Phil Tippett e Michael Lantieri - Jurassic Park
- Don Paul e Steve Goldberg - Aladdin
- Roman Coppola, Gary Gutierrez, Michael Lantieri e Gene Warren Jr - Dracula di Bram Stoker (Bram Stoker's Dracula)
- William Mesa e Roy Arbogast - Il fuggitivo (The Fugitive)
- 1995
- Ken Ralston, George Murphy, Stephen Rosenbaum, Allen Hall e Doug Chaing - Forrest Gump
- Scott Squires, Steve Williams, Tom Bertino e Jon Farhat - The Mask
- John Bruni, Thomas Fisher, Jacques Stroweis, Patrick McClung e Jamie Dixon - True Lies
- Boyd Shermis, John Frazier, Ron Brinkman e Richard Hollander - Speed
- 1996
- Robert Legato, Michael Kanfer, Matt Sweeney e Leslie Ekker - Apollo 13
- Michael McAllister, Brad C Kuehn, Robert Spurlock e Martin R Bresin - Waterworld
- Chris Corbould, Derek Meddings e Brian Smithies - GoldenEye (GoldenEye)
- Scott E Anderson, Neal Scanlan, John Cox, Chris Chitty e Charles Gibson - Babe, maialino coraggioso (Babe)
- 1997
- Stefen Fangmeier, John Frazier, Henry Labounta e Habib Zargarpour - Twister
- Tricia Ashford, Volker Engel, Clay Pinney, Douglas Smith e Joseph Viskocil - Independence Day
- Eben Fiske Ostby e William Reeves - Toy Story - Il mondo dei giocattoli (Toy Story)
- John Farhat - Il professore matto (The Nutty Professor)
- 1998
- Mark Stetson, Karen E Goulekas, Nick Allder, Neil Corbould e Nick Dudman - Il quinto elemento (Le cinquième élément)
- Eric Brevig, Rick Baker, Rob Coleman e Peter Chesney - Men in Black
- Robert Legato, Mark Lasoff, Thomas L. Fisher e Michael Kanfer - Titanic
- Peter Chiang - I rubacchiotti (The Borrowers)
- 1999
- Stefen Fangmeier, Roger Guyett e Neil Corbould - Salvate il soldato Ryan (Saving Private Ryan)
- Bill Westenhofer, Neal Scanlan, Chris Godfrey e Grahame Andrew - Babe va in città (Babe: Pig in the City)
- Michael J McAlister, Brad Kuehn, Craig Barron e Peter Chesney - The Truman Show
- Ken Bielenberg, Philippa Gluckman, John Bell e Kendal Cronkhite - Z la formica (Antz)
Anni 2000
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- 2000
- John Gaeta, Steve Courtley, Janet Sirrs e Jon Thum - Matrix
- John Knoll, Dennis Muren, Scott Squires e Rob Coleman - Star Wars: Episodio I - La minaccia fantasma (Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace)
- John Andrew Berton Jr, Daniel Jeanette, Ben Snow e Chris Corbould - La mummia (The Mummy)
- Bill Reeves, Eben Ostby, Rick Sayre e Sharon Calahan - A Bug's Life - Megaminimondo (A Bug's Life)
- Jimmy Mitchell, Kevin Yager, Josh Williams e Paddy Eason - Il mistero di Sleepy Hollow (Sleepy Hollow)
- 2001
- Stefen Fangmeier, John Frazier, Walt Conti, Habib Zargarpour e Tim Alexander - La tempesta perfetta (The Perfect Storm)
- Rob Hodgson, Leo Lo, Jonathan F Strylund, Bessie Cheuk e Travis Baumann - La tigre e il dragone (臥虎藏龍)
- John Nelson, Tim Burke, Rob Harvey e Neil Corbould - Il gladiatore (Gladiator)
- 2002
- Jim Rygiel, Richard Taylor, Alex Funke, Randall William Cook e Mark Stetson - Il Signore degli Anelli - La Compagnia dell'Anello (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)
- Dennis Muren, Scott Farrar e Michael Lantieri - A.I. - Intelligenza artificiale (A.I. Artificial Intelligence)
- Robert Legato, Nick Davis, John Richardson, Roger Guyett e Jim Berney - Harry Potter e la pietra filosofale (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)
- Chris Godfrey, Andrew Brown, Nathan McGuinness e Brian Cox - Moulin Rouge!
- Ken Bielenberg, Production Company: PDI/Dreamworks/Universal, Broadcaster: UIP - Shrek
- 2003
- Jim Rygiel, Joe Letteri, Randall William Cook e Alex Funke - Il Signore degli Anelli - Le due torri (The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
- Scott Farrar, Michael Lantieri, Nathan McGuinness e Henry Labounta - Minority Report
- Jim Mitchell, Nick Davis, John Richardson, Bill George, Nick Dudman, Production Company: Heyday Films/1492 Pictures, Broadcaster: Warner Bros. - Harry Potter e la camera dei segreti (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets)
- John Dykstra, Scott Stokdyk, Anthony Lamolinara e John Frazier - Spider-Man
- Bruce Steinheimer, Michael Owens, Edward Hirsh e Jon Alexander - Gangs of New York
- 2004
- Joe Letteri, Jim Rygiel, Randall William Cook e Alex Funke - Il Signore degli Anelli - Il ritorno del re (The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King)
- Kevin Scott Mack, Seth Maury, Lindsay MacGowan e Paddy Eason - Big Fish - Le storie di una vita incredibile (Big Fish)
- Stefen Fangmeier, Nathan McGuinness, Robert Stromberg e Daniel Sudick - Master & Commander - Sfida ai confini del mare (Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World)
- Tommy Tom, Tam Kia Kwan, Leung Wai Kit e Jaco Wong Hin Leung - Kill Bill: Volume 1
- John Knoll, Hal Hickel, Terry D Frazee e Charles Gibson - La maledizione della prima luna (Pirates of Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl)
- 2005
- Karen E Goulekas, Neil Corbould, Greg Strause e Remo Balcells - The Day After Tomorrow - L'alba del giorno dopo (The Day After Tomorrow)
- John Richardson, Roger Guyett, Tim Burke, Bill George, Karl Mooney, Production Company: Heyday Films/1492 Picture, Broadcaster: Warner Bros. Pictures - Harry Potter e il prigioniero di Azkaban (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)
- John Dykstra, Scott Stokdyk, Anthony La Molinara e John Frazier - Spider-Man 2
- Robert Legato, Pete Travers, Matthew Gratzner e R. Bruce Steinheimer - The Aviator
- Angie Lam, Andy Brown, Kirsty Millar e Luke Hetherington - La foresta dei pugnali volanti (十面埋伏)
- 2006
- Joe Letteri, Christian Rivers, Brian Van’t Hul e Richard Taylor - King Kong
- Dean Wright, Bill Westenhofer, Jim Berney e Scott Farrar - Le cronache di Narnia - Il leone, la strega e l'armadio (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe)
- Janek Sirrs, Dan Glass, Chris Corbould e Paul Franklin - Batman Begins
- Jim Mitchell, John Richardson, Tim Webber e Tim Alexander - Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
- Nick Davis, Jon Thum, Chas Jarrett, Joss Williams, Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures International UK, Broadcaster: Warner Bros. Pictures International UK - La fabbrica di cioccolato (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
- 2007
- John Knoll, Hal Hickel, Charles Gibson e Allen Hall - Pirati dei Caraibi - La maledizione del forziere fantasma (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)
- Frazer Churchill, Tim Webber, Michael Eames e Paul Corbould - I figli degli uomini (Children of Men)
- Edward Irastorza, Everett Burrell, David Marti e Montse Ribe - Il labirinto del fauno (El laberinto del fauno)
- Mark Stetson, Neil Corbould, Richard Hoover e Jon Thum - Superman Returns
- Steve Begg, Chris Corbould, John Paul Docherty e Ditch Doy - Casino Royale
- 2008
- Michael Fink, Bill Westenhofer, Ben Morris e Trevor Wood - La bussola d'oro (The Golden Compass)
- Scott Stokdyk, Peter Nofz, Spencer Cook e John Frazier - Spider-Man 3
- Peter Chiang, Charlie Noble, Mattias Lindahl e Joss Williams - The Bourne Ultimatum - Il ritorno dello sciacallo (The Bourne Ultimatum)
- Tim Burke, John Richardson, Emma Norton, Chris Shaw, Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures UK/Heyday Films, Broadcaster: Warner Bros. UK - Harry Potter e l'Ordine della Fenice (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)
- John Knoll, Charles Gibson, Hal Hickel e John Frazier - Pirati dei Caraibi - Ai confini del mondo (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End)
- 2009
- Eric Barba, Craig Barron, Nathan McGuinness e Edson Williams - Il curioso caso di Benjamin Button (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)
- Pablo Helman, Marshall Krasser e Steve Rawlins - Indiana Jones e il regno del teschio di cristallo (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull)
- Hal Hickel, Shane Patrick Mahan, John Nelson e Ben Snow - Iron Man
- Chris Corbould, Nick Davis, Paul Franklin e Tim Webber - Il cavaliere oscuro (The Dark Knight)
- Chris Corbould e Kevin Tod Haug - Quantum of Solace
Anni 2010
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- 2010
- Joe Letteri, Stephen Rosenbaum, Richard Baneham, Andrew R. Jones, Production Company: Twentieth Century Fox - Avatar
- Dan Kaufman, Peter Muyzers, Robert Habros e Matt Aitken - District 9
- John Richardson, Tim Burke, Tim Alexander e Nicolas Aithadi - Harry Potter e il principe mezzosangue (Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince)
- Richard Stutsman - The Hurt Locker
- Roger Guyett, Russell Earl, Paul Kavanagh e Burt Dalton - Star Trek
- 2011
- Chris Corbould, Paul Franklin, Andrew Lockley e Peter Bebb - Inception
- Sean Phillips, David Schaub, Ken Ralston, Carey Villegas, Broadcaster: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures UK - Alice in Wonderland
- Henrik Fett, Micheal Capton, William ‘Brad’ Kalinoski e Dan Schrecker - Il cigno nero (Black Swan)
- Tim Burke, John Richardson, Nicolas Aithadi e Christian Manz - Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte - Parte 1 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1)
- Guido Quaroni, Michael Fong, David Ryu, Production Company: Disney/Pixar, Broadcaster: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures UK - Toy Story 3 - La grande fuga (Toy Story 3)
- 2012
- Tim Burke, Greg Butler, John Richardson e David Vickery - Harry Potter e i Doni della Morte - Parte 2 (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2)
- Jamie Beard, Joe Letteri, Keith F. Miller e Wayne Stables - Le avventure di Tintin - Il segreto dell'Unicorno (The Adventures of Tintin)
- Ben Grossmann, Alex Henning, Robert Legato, Joss Williams - Hugo Cabret (Hugo)
- Daniel Barrett, Dan Lemmon, Joe Letteri e Christopher White - L'alba del pianeta delle scimmie (Rise of the Planet of the Apes)
- Neil Corbould e Ben Morris - War Horse
- 2013
- Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron, Erik-Jan de Boer e Donald R. Elliott - Vita di Pi (Life of Pi)
- Janek Sirrs, Jeff White, Guy Williams, e Dan Sudick - The Avengers
- Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Peter Bebb e Andrew Lockley - Il Cavaliere Oscuro - Il Ritorno (The Dark Knight Rises)
- Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon, David Clayton e R. Christopher White - Lo Hobbit - Un Viaggio Inaspettato (The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)
- Richard Stammers, Trevor Wood, Charley Henley e Martin Hill - Prometheus
- 2014
- Tim Webber, Chris Lawrence, David Shirk, e Neil Corbould - Gravity
- Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon, David Clayton e Eric Reynolds - Lo Hobbit - La Desolazione di Smaug (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)
- Christopher Townsend, Guy Williams, Erik Nash e Dan Sudick - Iron Man 3
- John Knoll, James E. Price, Clay Pinney e Rocco Larizza - Pacific Rim
- Roger Guyett, Patrick Tubach, Ben Grossmann, e Burt Dalton - Star Trek - Into Darkness
- 2015
- Paul Franklin, Scott R. Fisher, Andrew Lockley e Ian Hunter - Interstellar
- Joe Letteri, Dan Lemmon, Erik Winquist e Daniel Barrett - Apes Revolution - Il pianeta delle scimmie (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes)
- Stephane Ceretti, Paul Corbould, Jonathan Fawkner e Nicolas Aithadi - Guardiani della Galassia (Guardian of the Galaxy)
- Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon, David Clayton e R. Christopher White - Lo Hobbit - La Battaglia delle Cinque Armate (The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies)
- Richard Stammers, Anders Langlands, Tim Crosbie e Cameron Waldbauer - X-Men - Giorni di un futuro passato (X-Men: Days of Future Past)
- 2016
- Chris Corbould, Roger Guyett, Paul Kavanagh, e Neal Scanlan - Star Wars: Il Risveglio della Forza (Star Wars: The Force Awakens)
- Jake Morrison, Greg Steele, Dan Sudick, e Alex Wuttke - Ant-Man
- Mark Ardington, Sara Bennett, Paul Norris, e Andrew Whitehurst - Ex Machina
- Andrew Jackson, Dan Oliver, Tom Wood, e Andy Williams - Mad Max: Fury Road
- Chris Lawrence, Tim Ledbury, Richard Stammers, e Steven Warner - The Martian
- 2017
- Robert Legato, Dan Lemmon, Andrew R. Jones, Adam Valdez – Il libro della giungla (The Jungle Book)
- Tim Burke, Pablo Grillo, Christian Manz, David Watkins – Animali fantastici e dove trovarli (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them)
- Louis Morin – Arrival
- Richard Bluff, Stephane Ceretti, Paul Corbould, Jonathan Fawkner – Doctor Strange
- Neil Corbould, Hal Hickel, Mohen Leo, John Knoll, Nigel Sumner – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
- 2018
- Gerd Nefzer e John Nelson – Blade Runner 2049
- Scott Fisher e Andrew Jackson – Dunkirk
- Dennis Berardi, Trey Harrell e Kevin Scott – La forma dell'acqua - The Shape of Water (The Shape of Water)
- Stephen Aplin, Chris Courbould, Ben Morris, Neal Scanlan - Star Wars: Gli ultimi Jedi (Star Wars: The Last Jedi)
- Daniel Barrett, Dan Lemmon, Joe Letteri, Joel Whist - The War - Il pianeta delle scimmie (War for the Planet of the Apes)
- 2019
- Geoffrey Baumann, Jesse James Chisohlm, Craig Hammack, Dan Sudick - Black Panther
- Dan DeLeeuw, Russell Earl, Kelly Port, Dan Sudick - Avengers: Infinity War
- Tim Burke, Andy Kind, Christian Manz, David Watkins - Animali fantastici - I crimini di Grindelwald (Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald)
- Ian Hunter, Paul Lambert, Tristan Myles, J.D. Schwalm - First Man - Il primo uomo (First Man)
- Matthew E. Butler, Grady Coffer, Roger Guyett, Dave Shirk - Ready Player One
Anni 2020
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- 2020
- Greg Butler, Guillaume Rocheron, Dominic Tuohy - 1917
- Dan DeLeeuw, Daniel Sudick - Avengers: Endgame
- Leandro Estebecorena, Stephane Grabli, Pablo Helman - The Irishman
- Andrew R. Jones, Robert Legato, Elliot Newman, Adam Valdez - Il re leone (The Lion King)
- Roger Guyett, Paul Kavanagh, Neil Scanlon, Dominic Tuohy - Star Wars: L'ascesa di Skywalker (Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker)
- 2021
- Scott Fisher, Andrew Jackson e Andrew Lockley – Tenet
- Pete Bebb, Nathan McGuinness e Sebastian von Overheidt – Greyhound - Il nemico invisibile (Greyhound)
- Matt Kasmir, Chris Lawrence e David Watkins – The Midnight Sky
- Sean Faden, Steve Ingram, Anders Langlands e Seth Maury – Mulan
- Santiago Colomo Martinez, Nick Davis, Greg Fisher e Ben Jones – L'unico e insuperabile Ivan (The One and Only Ivan)
- 2022
- Brian Connor, Paul Lambert, Tristan Myles e Gerd Nefzer - Dune
- Swen Gillberg, Bryan Grill, Nikos Kalaitzidis, Daniel Sudick – Free Guy - Eroe per gioco (Free Guy)
- Aharon Bourland, Sheena Duggal, Pier Lefebvre e Alessandro Ongaro – Ghostbusters: Legacy (Ghostbusters: Afterlife)
- Tom Debenham, Huw J Evans, Dan Glass e J. D. Schwalm – Matrix Resurrections (The Matrix Resurrections)
- Mark Bakowski, Chris Corbould, Joel Green e Charlie Noble – No Time to Die
- 2023[2]
- Richard Baneham, Daniel Barrett, Joe Letteri ed Eric Saindon - Avatar - La via dell'acqua (Avatar: The Way of Water)
- Markus Frank, Kamil Jafar, Viktor Müller e Frank Petzold - Niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale (Im Westen nichts Neues)
- Russell Earl, Dan Lemmon, Anders Langlands e Dominic Tuohy - The Batman
- Benjamin Brewer, Ethan Feldbau, Jonathan Kombrinck e Zak Stoltz - Everything Everywhere All at Once
- Seth Hill, Scott R. Fisher, Bryan Litson e Ryan Tudhope - Top Gun: Maverick
- 2024[3]
- Simon Hughes - Povere creature! (Poor Things)
- Jonathan Bullock, Charmaine Chan, Ian Comley e Jay Cooper - The Creator
- Theo Bialek, Stephane Ceretti, Alexis Wajsbrot e Guy Williams - Guardiani della Galassia Vol. 3 (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3)
- Neil Corbould, Simone Coco, Jeff Sutherland e Alex Wuttke - Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning - Parte uno (Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning - Part One)
- Henry Badgett, Neil Corbould, Charley Henley e Luc-Ewen Martin-Fenouillet - Napoleon
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- ^ (EN) L'archivio dei vincitori dal sito ufficiale, su URL consultato il 17 giugno 2012.
- ^ (EN) BAFTAs 2023: the winners in full, su BFI. URL consultato il 18 febbraio 2024.
- ^ (EN) K.J. Yossman e Ellise Shafer, BAFTA Film Awards 2024 Winners List (Updating Live), su Variety, 18 febbraio 2024. URL consultato il 18 febbraio 2024.
Collegamenti esterni
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]- Sito ufficiale, su