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Io, sono XANXAR,

sono un giornalsta!

By Bilal Xhaferri


The rainbow, like a tearful greeting of goodbye,

Disappeared beyond the distances,

Over the flame crests,

in the rain…

Beyond the distances disappeared in flames Chameria

And all our streets lead to north.

Wails the Mediterranean wind over the ancient epyriot lands,

over the dear ancestral lands.

In the abandoned pastures are grazing the thunderclaps.

The unpicked olive-groves thunder like the waves along the hillocks.

And everywhere the Cham land,

covered by the clouds,

groans tearful and bloody,

left lonesome,

without godhead.

We are shown the way by the bullets that whistle in darkness.

We are lightened the way by the flames that have swallowed up all earth.

Behind our backs the windstorm hits the ramshackle house doors.

And the streets reach and reach the north.

We, a deported population, walk along the rain…

Goodbye, Chameria!
