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Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi. Jкк КGB 10:24, 20 lug 2010 (CEST)[rispondi]

promozione sito

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evito di promuovere youimpresa.it/ su wikipedia. Grazie --ignis Fammi un fischio 14:29, 24 ago 2010 (CEST)[rispondi]

TestPagina Utente

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--ignis Fammi un fischio 09:05, 30 ago 2010 (CEST)[rispondi]

Ciao! La modifica che hai effettuato alla pagina Agente di commercio è sembrata un test e per questo motivo è stata annullata. Se sei poco pratico/a di Wikipedia, per favore utilizza la pagina delle prove, oppure puoi dare un'occhiata al tour guidato o alle Domande Frequenti (FAQ) per imparare a contribuire al meglio sulle pagine dell'enciclopedia. Grazie dei contributi. (Not Italian? It-0?)

ignis Fammi un fischio 09:05, 30 ago 2010 (CEST)[rispondi]

Gac 12:17, 30 ago 2010 (CEST)[rispondi]

Autonomia Funzionale

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Ciao. Wikipedia è un'enciclopedia libera editabile da tutti, ma viene richiesta una certa conoscenza delle regole e delle convenzioni adottate prima di potersi lanciare in creazioni e modifiche a tappeto di pagine, cosa che tu stai facendo, senza però avere la decenza di informarti e imparare le regole, le convenzioni e il funzionamento del progetto stesso. Per favore, prima di scrivere voci, magari anche valide, ma con il codice in completo disordine come questa, leggiti attentamente questa e questa pagina, oltre a seguire il Tutorial. Grazie mille e buon lavoro. --Dry Martini olivetta o scorza di limone? 10:33, 9 set 2010 (CEST)[rispondi]

Ultimo avviso

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Soprano71 12:31, 5 ott 2010 (CEST)[rispondi]

Marchio da sistemare

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Grazie per aver caricato File:LogoPanettone.jpg. Ho notato però che hai utilizzato il template {{Marchio}} senza specificare il motivo per cui è certo che si tratti di un marchio registrato, come previsto dal manuale di istruzioni del template. Sei invitato pertanto a ritornare alla pagina di descrizione del file e modificare il template, seguendo le istruzioni del manuale d'uso. I file senza le necessarie informazioni vengono cancellati entro 7 giorni dalla segnalazione, a scopo cautelativo. Questo è un messaggio automatico di Nikbot.--Filnik 13:42, 22 dic 2010 (CET)[rispondi]

Milan Chamber of Commerce

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Milan Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Trade, Milan, industry, handicrafts, and agriculture is an institution founded in 1786, a public body with legal personality and Doati as functional local self-governing body, carries out tasks of general interest to the business system in the province of Milano performs activities observed, regulation and market promotion for the development of the enterprise system in the province of Milan.

Where was the original seat of the Chamber of Commerce at its first appearance is currently impossible to define, it is now clear, however, that in the first half of '300, the University of Merchants, a forerunner of the Chamber of Commerce had its seat in a room in the Lodge of Osii. From there he moved from the building of Azzone Visconti, which will then be in the same spaces occupied followed by the Palatine Schools. With the establishment of such schools, the university moved to the Merchants Goldsmiths on the premises of a workshop. The lack of space led to a new transfer to the building of the north west of Merchants Square, where he remained as the Chamber of Commerce until the early nineteenth century. In 1800 we had to move some offices at the old Praetorian, but even the purchase of Palatine Schools was enough to fill the growing needs of local. This led to the acquisition in 1911 of the Palace delll'intero Giureconsulti.

In 1954 the President Eugenio Radice Fossati had restored Palazzo Turati in via wonderland where, in 1958, the agency finally found his new home. Built in 1880 by engineers on behalf of Bridges and Bordoli accounts Turati, the building was seriously damaged on the Marvel bombardenti in 1943. The renovation preserved only the facade of the nineteenth century as the rest of the building almost completely destroyed. Eugenio Radice Fossati, however, wanted to give a modern artistic dimension to the new building by hosting some contemporary works of art among which include the large window: a winged Mercury Milan for the relaunch. By Christopher De Amicis important exponent of Chiarismo depicts areas of activity of the Chamber: trade, industry, handicrafts, agriculture. Arises from a competition organized in 1956 by the Chamber of Commerce came to adorn the new institution based on a Marvel. Winning sketch went to a prize of one million lire. Was chosen because it represented the best revival of the Milanese in the period of crisis following the second World War. Central figure of representation is in fact the winged Mercury indicates hardworking men under him, artisans and merchants, the achievements of the past and promises for the future of new. In the background the site of the Dome of the factory still in operation. To the right and left, there are two female figures, allegories of agriculture, represented by the figure of the goddess of the fruitful harvest, and industry with a chimney and industrial buildings in the background. The work was completed in 1957 not far from the large window on the wall in the access tunnel to the conference room we find Spatial Concept by Lucio Fontana. Under Palazzo Turati are instead the remains of the Roman Theatre of Milan, which was set up an archaeological area of the theater in order to engage visitors in a profound way, through smells, sounds and words evocative of the Casina of Plautus, recited by Giorgio Albertazzi. Another cultural infrastructure is hosted at Palazzo Turati the historical archives of the Chamber of Commerce, a heritage which includes archival documents related to the entrepreneurs from the fourteenth century to today in Milan, a collection open to the public than 30,000 documents, totaling 40 kilometers of shelves. For example you can find merchant permits, requests for permits, contracts, judgments, an important collection of trademarks, diplomas of merit, letterheads business of the century. The last important achievement is the historical archive of Italian Private Bank, with six thousand files, including reports compiled by George Ambrosoli that gave off the investigation led by the bankruptcy institute Sindona.

The Chamber of Commerce of Milan since 1811 produces economic relations on the province of Milan. At that time it ascended the Imperial Order of the Minister Bruck who entrusted to the Chamber of Commerce to draw up by March of each year, "the extensive and reasoned statistical report" on the state of trade throughout the province. From 1910 with the birth of the modern record companies, the Chamber of Commerce could have an accurate map of the production system in the province. Combining these data with those from other publications and government institutions are shaping the "statistical compendium of the province of Milan" which is a comprehensive summary of information on economic, social and physical structure of the province of Milan, a product prepared for use by operators and economic institutions. In the "Compendium" were collected to-date data, arranged in series, covering: the territory and administration, climate, population, agriculture and forestry, industry, transport and communications, trade, credit and finance, prices and consumption, labor and taxes, public works , civil and criminal justice, education, tourism. To date, the Milan Chamber of Commerce through the register of companies, associations and links with networks of collaborations with universities in Milan, will prepare annually a report on the economic and entrepreneurial drive of the territory of Milan from 1991 called " London Production ". In its current format the report presents a first part devoted to the analytical data of the business system, international trade and labor market in Milan and a second part of the scientific study compiled by university professors from Milan, worked out of interpretations of the latest trends of development economy of the province.

Un grazie e un libro sulla conoscenza libera per te

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Wikimedia Italia
Wikimedia Italia

Gentile MilaAzuki,

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Pochi giorni fa il mondo ha festeggiato la giornata dell'amore per il software libero, ma ogni giorno è buono per ricordare le garanzie delle licenze libere e le centinaia di migliaia di persone che si sono unite per costruire questo bene comune della conoscenza. Speriamo che questo libro ti sia utile per apprezzare quanto hai fatto e per trasmettere la passione della conoscenza libera a una persona a te vicina.

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Grazie ancora e a presto,

Lorenzo Losa (msg) 11:26, 26 feb 2020 (CET)[rispondi]

Lawrence Liang

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Ciao MilaAzuki, la pagina «Lawrence Liang» che hai scritto, o che hai contribuito a scrivere, è stata cancellata. Prendi visione delle motivazioni e della decisione della comunità.
Se hai dei dubbi sulla cancellazione, segui i consigli riportati nella pagina di aiuto: Aiuto:Voci cancellate.

--valepert 13:42, 19 ott 2023 (CEST)[rispondi]