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Lacesa, abbreviazione di Latterie Centro Sardegna, è un caseificio cooperativo sardo fondato nel 1907.

Libro di antropologia

Da Bortigali:

Il 25 agosto 1907 fu costituita a Bortigali, grazie anche all'impulso dato dal medico condotto Pietro Solinas[21], la “Latteria Sociale Cooperativa”, primo e per molti anni unico esempio di cooperazione nel settore caseario in Sardegna. Nacque per l'esigenza degli allevatori locali di opporsi all'egemonia degli industriali del continente che da qualche anno avevano impiantato a Macomer i primi caseifici per la produzione del Pecorino Romano, oltre che per il normale desiderio economico di produrre, competere, e far conoscere i propri prodotti, in un periodo di espansione e di generale dinamismo dell'agricoltura sarda[22]. Per molti anni si distinse tra le altre cooperative sarde, anche di altri settori, per il giro d'affari e le capacità organizzative. Ancora oggi, con la denominazione di La.Ce.Sa. (Latteria Centro Sardegna) è una delle realtà più importanti e note del settore. Vi si producono (oltre al Pecorino Romano destinato all'esportazione) alcuni formaggi tipici e rinomati, quali il caciocavallo o casizolu, il provolone, sa fresa ‘e attunzu (un vaccino a pasta molle che si sta attualmente cercando di promuovere anche con un'apposita sagra organizzata dalla Pro Loco).

Lista di regimi totalitari supportati dagli Stati Uniti d'America

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Reunion of SEATO leaders in Manila, 1966, with the presence of authoritarian leaders Nguyen Cao Ky from South Vietnam (first from left, with Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt at his side), Park Chung-Hee from South Korea (third from the left), Ferdinand Marcos from Philippines (fourth from the left, with New Zealand Prime Minister Keith Holyoake at his right) and Thanom Kittikachorn from Thailand (second from the right, with US President Lyndon B. Johnson at his side)

Dalla fine del 1800 in poi, il governo degli Stati Uniti d'America ha supportato numerosi regimi totalitari di stampo anti-socialista, anti-comunista e anti-islamista. Il supporto, che perdura ai giorni nostri, consiste principalmente in aiuti finanziari, educazione, armi, addestramento militare e supporto tecnico ed è in aperto contrasto con gli ideali democratici espressi nella Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d'America.

Prima della rivoluzione russa, il supporto alle dittature era spesso motivato da interessi economici, e principalmente dall'apertura di nuovi mercati per le aziende statunitensi. Dopo l'ascesa del comunismo, la motivazione ha preso un carattere più prettamente politico, e il supporto si è concentrato su quei regimi che i vari governi statunitensi ritenevano più utili a combattere l'avanzata di ideali comunisti, socialisti e social-democratici, specialmente in America Latina.[1][2] L'assistenza alle dittature di destra continuò nonostante la contraddizione con gli ideali di democrazia sposati dagli USA durante la Guerra fredda.[3] Allo stesso tempo, era comunque presente una componente econmica per salvguardare gli interessi dele aziende statunitensi che operavano all'estero, come la United Fruit Company e la Standard Oil, specialmente quando questi interessi venivano minacciati da governi democratici.[4][3] Nel corso del tempo, il supporto alle dittature è stato inquadrato e giustificato secondo varie ideologie, quali la dottrina Truman, la dottrina Kirkpatrick e la Guerra contro la droga.[4]

Dal 1980 in poi, il governo statunitense ha iniziato a temere che i propri interessi sarebbero stati minacciati dai movimenti islamisti che stavano allora montando consensi in Medio Oriente. Ha perciò iniziato una campagna per assicurarsi la cooperazione delle dittature della regione e, al contempo, per indebolire o rimuovere le dittature che non cooperavano.[5]

In anni più recenti, molti commentatori e analisti hanno espresso supporto per questo tipo di politiche, e alcuni hanno sostenuto che la stabilità regionale sia più importante della democrazia.[6][7] Gli Stati Uniti d'America continuano a supportare alcune dittature, sebbene la pressione dell'opinione pubblica stia spingendo l'amministrazione statunitense a prediligere regimi più consensuali rispetto alle dittature più efferate.[8]

Dittature supportate al giorno d'oggi

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Date del supporto Paese Regime Note
1991– Bandiera dell'Azerbaigian Heydar Aliyev; Ilham Aliyev[9][10] Template:Sort
1992–present Bandiera del Kazakistan Nursultan Nazarbayev[11][12] Template:Sort
1959–present Bandiera di Singapore People's Action Party[13][13][14]
1984–present Bandiera del Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah[15][16][17][18]
2011–present Bandiera del Vietnam Trương Tấn Sang[19] Template:Sort
2014–present Bandiera della Thailandia Prayut Chan-o-cha[20] Template:Sort
1994–present Bandiera del Tagikistan Emomali Rahmon[19] Template:Sort
2006–present Bandiera del Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow[19] Template:Sort
1945–present Bandiera dell'Arabia Saudita House of Saud[21][22][23] Template:Sort
1999–present Bandiera del Bahrein Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa[24] Template:Sort
1972–present Bandiera del Qatar House of Thani[25][26] Template:Sort
1970–present Bandiera dell'Oman Qaboos bin Said al Said[23] Template:Sort
1954–present Bandiera della Giordania Hashemite Dynasty[27][28] Template:Sort
1971–present Bandiera degli Emirati Arabi Uniti United Arab Emirates[29] Template:Sort
2014–present Bandiera dell'Egitto Abdel Fattah el-Sisi[30] Template:Sort
1777–present Bandiera del Marocco Alaouite dynasty[31] Template:Sort
1999–present Bandiera di Gibuti Ismaïl Omar Guelleh[32][33] Template:Sort
1979–present Bandiera della Guinea Equatoriale Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo[19] Template:Sort
1982–present Bandiera del Camerun Paul Biya[34][35] Template:Sort
1990–present Bandiera del Ciad Idriss Déby[36] Template:Sort
1986–present Bandiera dell'Uganda Yoweri Museveni[37] Template:Sort
2000–present Bandiera del Ruanda Paul Kagame[38] Template:Sort

Authoritarian regimes supported in the past

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Current president Barack Obama and Michelle Obama with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow of Turkmenistan, September 2009, one of the most repressive regimes in the world,[39] supported with millions of dollars in military aid.[40]
Middle East special envoy Donald Rumsfeld meeting Saddam Hussein on 19–20 December 1983.
Mobutu Sese Seko and Richard Nixon in Washington, D.C., 1973.
Presidents Emílio G. Médici (left) and Richard Nixon, December 1971. A hardliner, Médici sponsored the greatest human rights abuses of Brazil's military regime. During his government, persecution and torture of dissidents, harassment against journalists and press censorship became ubiquitous. A 2014 report by Brazil's National Truth Commission states that the United States of America was involved with teaching the Brazilian military regime torture techniques.[41]
U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger shaking hands with Augusto Pinochet in 1976.
Date of support Country Regime Notes
1876–1911 Bandiera del Messico Porfirio Díaz[42] During the Porfiriato, tensions between the U.S. and Mexico were high.
1929–2000 Bandiera del Messico Institutional Revolutionary Party[43] Template:Sort
1932–1944 Bandiera di El Salvador Maximiliano Hernández Martínez[44] Template:Sort
1933–1949 Bandiera dell'Honduras Tiburcio Carías Andino[45] Template:Sort
1950–1958 Bandiera del Venezuela Marcos Pérez Jiménez[46] Template:Sort
1908–1935 Bandiera del Venezuela Juan Vicente Gómez[47] Template:Sort
1898–1920 Bandiera del Guatemala Manuel Estrada Cabrera[48] Template:Sort
1931–1944 Bandiera del Guatemala Jorge Ubico[48] Template:Sort
1948–1956 Bandiera del Perù Manuel Odria[49] Template:Sort
1952–1959 Bandiera di Cuba Fulgencio Batista[50] Template:Sort
1930–1961 Bandiera della Rep. Dominicana Rafael Trujillo[51] Later overthrown with at least some aid from the CIA.[52]
1954–1986 Bandiera del Guatemala Efraín Ríos Montt and other Juntas[53][54][55] Template:Sort
Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état.
1963–1982 Bandiera dell'Honduras Oswaldo López Arellano and other Juntas[56][57] Template:Sort
1979–1982 Bandiera di El Salvador Revolutionary Government Junta of El Salvador[58] Template:Sort
1971–1978 Bandiera della Bolivia Hugo Banzer[59] Template:Sort
1973–1985 Bandiera dell'Uruguay Civic-military dictatorship of Uruguay[60][61] Template:Sort
1976–1983 Bandiera dell'Argentina National Reorganization Process[62][63] Template:Sort
1964–1985 Bandiera del Brasile Brazilian military government[41][64] Template:Sort
1936–1979 Bandiera del Nicaragua Somoza family[65] Template:Sort
1957–1971 Bandiera di Haiti François Duvalier[66] Template:Sort
1971–1986 Bandiera di Haiti Jean-Claude Duvalier[66] Template:Sort
1968–1981 Bandiera di Panama Omar Torrijos[67] Template:Sort
1983–1989 Bandiera di Panama Manuel Noriega[67] Later overthrown by U.S. in Operation Just Cause in 1989.
1954–1989 Bandiera del Paraguay Alfredo Stroessner[68][69] Template:Sort
1973–1990 Bandiera del Cile Augusto Pinochet[70][71] Template:Sort Template:Sort
1992–2000 Bandiera del Perù Alberto Fujimori[72] Template:Sort
1948–1960 Bandiera della Corea del Sud[73] Syngman Rhee Template:Sort
1958–1969 Bandiera del Pakistan Ayub Khan See also: Pakistan–United States relations during the Cold War era.
1961–1979 Bandiera della Corea del Sud Park Chung-hee[74] Template:Sort
1979–1988 Bandiera della Corea del Sud Chun Doo-hwan[75] Template:Sort
1955–1963 Bandiera del Vietnam del Sud Ngo Dinh Diem[76] Later assassinated in a U.S.-backed coup. See also: Cable 243, Arrest and assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem.
1970–1975 Bandiera della Cambogia Lon Nol[77] Template:Sort
1969–1971 Bandiera del Pakistan Yahya Khan[78][79][80] Template:Sort
1941–1979 Bandiera dell'Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi[81][82] See also: 1953 Iranian coup d'état.
1965–1986 Bandiera delle Filippine Ferdinand Marcos[83][84] Template:Sort
1978–1988 Bandiera del Pakistan Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq[85] Template:Sort
1963–1967 Bandiera dell'Iraq Abdul Salam Arif, Abdul Rahman Arif[86] Template:Sort
1982–1990 Bandiera dell'Iraq Saddam Hussein[87] Later seen as an enemy of the U.S. in the Gulf War and deposed in the Iraq War. See: United States support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war.
1967–1998 Bandiera dell'Indonesia Suharto[88][89] See also: Allen Lawrence Pope.
1949–1953 Bandiera della Siria al-Za'im-Shishkali-al-Hinnawi Junta[90][91][92] See: Husni al-Za'im, Adib Shishakli, Sami al-Hinnawi.
1999–2008 Bandiera del Pakistan Pervez Musharraf[93] Template:Sort
1990–2016 Bandiera dell'Uzbekistan Islam Karimov[19] Template:Sort
1990–2005 Bandiera del Kirghizistan Askar Akayev[94] Template:Sort
1990–2012 Bandiera dello Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh[95] Template:Sort
1969–1985 Bandiera del Sudan Gaafar Nimeiry[96] Template:Sort
1978–1991 Bandiera della Somalia Siad Barre[97] Template:Sort
1980–1990 Bandiera della Liberia Samuel Doe[98] Template:Sort
1991–2012 Bandiera dell'Etiopia Meles Zenawi[19] Template:Sort
1965–1997 Bandiera dello Zaire
Bandiera della RD del Congo
Mobutu Sese Seko[99][100] Template:Sort
1982–1990 Bandiera del Ciad Hissène Habré[101] Template:Sort
1981–2011 Bandiera dell'Egitto Hosni Mubarak[102] Template:Sort
2012–2013 Bandiera dell'Egitto Mohamed Morsi[103] Template:Sort
1948–1994 Bandiera del Sudafrica National Party (South Africa)[104][105] Template:Sort
1987–2011 Bandiera della Tunisia Zine El Abidine Ben Ali[106] Template:Sort
1936–1975 Bandiera della Spagna Francisco Franco[107] At times opposed diplomatically because of fascist leanings. See: Francoist Spain.
1933–1974 Bandiera del Portogallo António de Oliveira Salazar[108] See Estado Novo (Portugal)
1941–1945 Bandiera dell'Unione Sovietica Joseph Stalin[109] Later considered an enemy of the US. See Cold War.
1948–1980 Bandiera della Jugoslavia Josip Broz Tito[110] See Informbiro period.
1967–1974 Bandiera della Grecia Greek military junta[111] Template:Sort
1980–1989 Bandiera della Turchia Turkish military junta[112] Template:Sort
1969–1989 Bandiera della Romania Nicolae Ceaușescu[113] Template:Sort
1941–1975 Bandiera di Taiwan Chiang Kai-shek[114] Template:Sort
1948–1957 Bandiera della Thailandia Plaek Phibunsongkhram[115] Template:Sort
1963–1973 Bandiera della Thailandia Thanom Kittikachorn[116] Template:Sort
1958–1963 Bandiera della Thailandia Sarit Thanarat[117] Template:Sort
  1. ^ Adams, Francis, Deepening democracy: global governance and political reform in Latin America, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003, p. 31, ISBN 9780275979713.
  2. ^ McMahon, Robert J., The limits of empire: the United States and Southeast Asia since World War II, Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 205, ISBN 9780231108805.
  3. ^ a b Greg & Gilbert Grandin & Joseph, A Century of Revolution, Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2010, pp. 397–414.
  4. ^ a b Dictatorships, in Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy, Volume 1, Simon & Schuster, 2001, p. 499, ISBN 9780684806570.
  5. ^ Forrest, James J.F., Countering terrorism and insurgency in the 21st century: international perspectives, Volume 2, ABC-CLIO, 2007, pp. 68–69, ISBN 9780275990367.
  6. ^ Etzioni, Amitai, Security first: for a muscular, moral foreign policy, Yale University Press, 2007, p. 50, ISBN 9780300108576.
  7. ^ Beyer, Cornelia, Violent globalisms: conflict in response to empire, Ashgate Publishing, 2008, p. 62, ISBN 9780754672050.
  8. ^ Skidmore, David, Contested social orders and international politics, Vanderbilt University Press, 1997, p. 210, ISBN 9780826512840.
  9. ^ Azerbaijan, in freedomhouse.org.
  10. ^ Azerbaijan-US Relations, in azconsulatela.org.
  11. ^ Bush and Kazakh Leader Play Up Partnership, The New York Times
  12. ^ Kazakhstan, in freedomhouse.org.
  13. ^ a b Singapore, in freedomhouse.org.
  14. ^ The U.S.-Singapore Partnership: A Critical Element of U.S. Engagement and Stability in the Asia-Pacific (PDF), in brookings.edu.
  15. ^ Brunei, in U.S. Department of State.
  16. ^ Southeast Asian Development, su books.google.com.
  17. ^ Brunei, in freedomhouse.org.
  18. ^ Kate Hodal, Brunei to bring in tough new sharia law, in the Guardian.
  19. ^ a b c d e f David Rothkopf, America's Unsavory Allies, su foreignpolicy.com. URL consultato il 10 agosto 2014.
  20. ^ Craig Whitlock, U.S. military to participate in major exercise in Thailand despite coup, in Washington Post, 7 February 2015.
  21. ^ Josh Rogin, America's Allies Are Funding ISIS, su thedailybeast.com, The Daily Beast. URL consultato il 10 agosto 2014.
  22. ^ US support for human rights abroad: The case of Saudi Arabia, su csmonitor.com, 28 gennaio 2014. URL consultato il 10 agosto 2014.
  23. ^ a b 5 dictators the U.S. still supports, su theweek.com, The Week. URL consultato il 10 agosto 2014.
  24. ^ US resumes arms sales to Bahrain. Activists feel abandoned, in The Christian Science Monitor, 14 May 2012. URL consultato il 13 August 2014.
  25. ^ U.S. Relations With Qatar, in U.S. Department of State.
  26. ^ Qatar, in freedomhouse.org.
  27. ^ U.S. Relations With Jordan, in U.S. Department of State.
  28. ^ Jordan: Background and U.S. Relations, Jeremy M. Sharp, March 2015
  29. ^ Reliable Allies for 41 Years, in uae-embassy.org.
  30. ^ ‘We Caved’, su politico.com.
  31. ^ In 1777 during the American Revolution, Morocco became the first nation to recognize the fledgling United States as an independent nation. The U.S. has had supportive relations with Morocco since. This included the U.S. providing weapons systems to Morocco during the Cold War and since. Joint Statement by the United States of America and the Kingdom of Morocco, su whitehouse.gov, The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, November 22, 2013. URL consultato il 2 luglio 2014.
  32. ^ The world's enduring dictators: Ismael Omar Guelleh, Djibouti, su cbsnews.com.
  33. ^ Djibouti, su state.gov.
  34. ^ Dictator of the Month: Paul Biya of Cameroon, su allgov.com.
  35. ^ OPINION: US strategy against Boko Haram could backfire, su america.aljazeera.com.
  36. ^ Ketil Fred Hansen, Chad’s relations with Libya, Sudan, France and the US / Publications / Africa / Regions / Home - NOREF, su peacebuilding.no. URL consultato il 10 agosto 2014.
  37. ^ Stephanie McCrummen, U.S. Policy in Africa Faulted on Priorities: Security Is Stressed Over Democracy, February 22, 2008. URL consultato il 22 dicembre 2009.
  38. ^ The Darling Tyrant, in POLITICO Magazine. URL consultato il 13 August 2014.
  39. ^ Turkmenistan - World Report 2014, in Human Rights Watch.
  40. ^ Turkmenistan: Recent Developments and US Interests. Jim Nichol. Congressional Research Service. August 17, 2012.
  41. ^ a b Adam Taylor (10 December 2014). Brazil’s torture report brings a president to tears. The Washington Post. Retrieved 12 December 2014.
    • "Notably, the report found that the United States had spent years teaching the torture techniques to the Brazilian military during that period."
  42. ^ A History of Latin America from the Beginnings to the Present, Knopf, 1961, p. 339. URL consultato il 10 August 2014.
  43. ^ Gilbert M. Joseph, Latin America's Long Cold War: A Century of Revolutionary Processes and U.S. Power, in A Century of Revolution: Insurgent & Counterinsurgent violence during Latin America's long cold war, Durham & London, Duke University Press, 2010, pp. 403–404, ISBN 978-0-8223-4737-8.
  44. ^ Schmitz, David F., Thank God they're on our side: the United States and right-wing dictatorships, 1921-1965, University of North Carolina Press, 1999, ISBN 978-0807847732.
  45. ^ An end to backyard imperialism?, su theguardian.com, 30 June 2009.
  46. ^ Marcos Pérez Jiménez, 87, Venezuela Ruler, in The New York Times, 22 September 2001.
  47. ^ Woddis, J. (1967). An Introduction to Neocolonialism London: Lawrance & Wichart.
  48. ^ a b Cindy Forster, The Time of "Freedom": San Marcos Coffee Workers and the Radicalization of the Guatemalan National Revolution, 1944-1954, in Radical History Review, vol. 58, 1994, pp. 35–78, DOI:10.1215/01636545-1994-58-35.
  49. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/1974/02/19/archives/gen-manuel-odria-77-dies-president-of-peru-in-194856-headed-army.html?_r=0
  50. ^ Michelle Chase, The Trials, a cura di Grandin, Greg, Duke University Press, 2010, pp. 164–198.
  51. ^ Thomas M. Leonard (ed). Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Volume 3. p. 1572.
  52. ^ Memorandum for the Executive Secretary, CIA Management Committee. Subject: Potentially Embarrassing Agency Activities, George Washington University National Security Archives Electronic Briefing Book No. 222, "The CIA's Family Jewels", 8 May 1973.
  53. ^ Carlota MCallister, A Headlong Rush Into the Future, a cura di Grandin, Greg, Duke University Press, 2010, pp. 276–309.
  54. ^ Ríos Montt Genocide Verdict Annulled, But Activists Ensure US-Backed Crimes Will Never Be Forgotten. Democracy Now! May 23, 2013.
  55. ^ Allan Cooper, The Geography of Genocide, University Press of America, 2008, p. 171.
  56. ^ Phil Gunson, General Oswaldo López Arellano obituary, su theguardian.com, 10 June 2010.
  57. ^ THE WIDER WAR: Honduras, su nacla.org.
  58. ^ Neil Larsen, Thoughts on Violence and Modernity, in A Century of Revolution: Insurgent & Counterinsurgent violence during Latin America's long cold war, Durham & London, Duke University Press, 2010, pp. 381, 391, ISBN 978-0-8223-4737-8.
  59. ^ Hugo Banzer. The Guardian. 5 May 2002.
  60. ^ REAGAN RIGHTS POLICY CALLED WEAK IN 4 LATIN NATIONS, in The New York Times, 17 April 1983.
  61. ^ To Save Dan Mitrione Nixon Administration Urged Death Threats for Uruguayan Prisoners, su nsarchive.gwu.edu.
  62. ^ Marguerite Feitlowitz, A Lexicon of Terror, New York, Oxford University Press, 1998.
  63. ^ Duncan Campbell (December 5, 2003). Kissinger approved Argentinian 'dirty war'. The Guardian. Retrieved October 12, 2016.
  64. ^ Laurence Whitehead (ed). The International Dimensions of Democratization : Europe and the Americas. p. 148
  65. ^ Jeffrey Gould, On the Road to "El Porvenir", a cura di Grandin, Greg, Duke University Press, 2010, pp. 87–120.
  66. ^ a b Nicholls, David. "Haiti since 1930", in Leslie Bethell, Ed., The Cambridge History of Latin America. 1st ed. Vol. 7. Cambridge: 1990. 545-578.
  67. ^ a b R.M. Koster and Guillermo Sánchez, In the Time of Tyrants, Panama: 1968-1990. (NY and London: W.W. Norton and Company, 1990), Ch. 4.
  68. ^ Diana Jean Schemo (16 August 2006). Stroessner, Paraguay’s Enduring Dictator, Dies. The New York Times. Retrieved 3 July 2014.
  69. ^ Walter L. Hixson (2009). The Myth of American Diplomacy: National Identity and U.S. Foreign Policy. Yale University Press. p. 223. ISBN 0300151314
  70. ^ Peter Winn, Furies of the Andes, a cura di Grandin, Greg, Duke University Press, 2010, pp. 239–272.
  71. ^ Peter Kornbluh (September 11, 2013). The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability. The New Press. ISBN 1595589120 p. xviii
  72. ^ USAID Supported Fujimori Sterilization Campaign; Seeks to Cover-Up Involvement - PRI, su pop.org.
  73. ^ Thomas M. Leonard (ed). Encyclopedia of the Developing World, Volume 3. p. 1365
  74. ^ Pyŏng-guk Kim, Ezra F. Vogel (eds). The Park Chung Hee Era. p. 552
  75. ^ BBC UK, Flashback: The Kwangju massacre, BBC. URL consultato il 22 April 2014P.
  76. ^ John Prados, JFK and the Diem Coup, su www2.gwu.edu, George Washington University. URL consultato il 13 December 2013.
  77. ^ David P. Chandler, A history of Cambodia, Westview Press; Allen & Unwin, Boulder, Sydney, 1992
  78. ^ John McLeod. The History of India.p. 152
  79. ^ Gary J. Bass, The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide, New York, NY, Knopf, 2013, ISBN 978-0-307-70020-9.
  80. ^ Looking Away from Genocide. The New Yorker. November 19, 2013.
  81. ^ Henry Precht, Ayatollah Realpolitik, in Foreign Policy, n. 70, 1988, pp. 109–128.
  82. ^ CIA Admits To Iran 1953 Coup, But Revelations Unlikely To Thaw US-Tehran Relations. International Business Times. August 19, 2013.
  83. ^ The Philippines: The Marcos Years, su gwu.edu. URL consultato il 10 agosto 2014.
  84. ^ FRONTLINE/WORLD . Philippines - Islands Under Siege . A Conflicted Land: Rebellions, Wars and Insurgencies in the Philippines - 1965-1986: The Marcos Years, su pbs.org, PBS. URL consultato il 10 agosto 2014.
  85. ^ Steve Coll, Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001, Penguin Press, 2004, pp. 695 pages, ISBN 1-59420-007-6.
  86. ^ Bryan R. Gibson, Sold Out? US Foreign Policy, Iraq, the Kurds, and the Cold War, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, ISBN 978-1-137-48711-7.
  87. ^ Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran. Foreign Policy. August 26, 2013.
  88. ^ Former Indonesian Dictator, US Ally & Mass Murderer, Suharto, 86, Dies. Democracy Now! 28 January 2008. Retrieved 3 July 2014.
  89. ^ Kai Thaler (December 2, 2015). 50 years ago today, American diplomats endorsed mass killings in Indonesia. Here’s what that means for today. The Washington Post. Retrieved December 4, 2015.
  90. ^ The struggle for Syria The Syrian people are being sacrificed at the altar of US imperialism, says author.,
  91. ^ 1949-1958, Syria: Early Experiments in Cover Action, Douglas Little, Professor, Department of History, Clark University
  92. ^ Sami M. Moubayed, Damascus Between Democracy and Dictatorship, University Press of America, 2000, pp. 84–87, ISBN 9780761817444.
  93. ^ Matthew Yglesias, Are Kissinger's Critics Anti-Semitic?, The Atlantic, 28 maggio 2008. URL consultato il 21 dicembre 2009.
  94. ^ Kyrgyzstan, in freedomhouse.org.
  95. ^ U.S. Shifts to Seek Removal of Yemen’s Leader, an Ally, in The New York Times, 3 April 2011. URL consultato il 13 August 2014.
  96. ^ The Sudan Handbook, Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2011, p. 168.
  97. ^ Cold War Rivals Sowed Seeds Of Somalia Tragedy, in Chicago Tribune, 13 December 1992.
  98. ^ Liberia, su hrw.org, Human Rights Watch. URL consultato il 13 August 2014.
  99. ^ Mobutu, Zairian Dictator for 32 Years, Dies in Exile. The Los Angeles Times. September 08, 1997
  100. ^ David F. Schmitz. The United States and Right-Wing Dictatorships, 1965-1989. p. 9
  101. ^ From U.S. Ally to Convicted War Criminal: Inside Chad's Hissène Habré's Close Ties to Reagan Admin. Democracy Now! May 31, 2016.
  102. ^ The complicated legacy of Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, BBC News. URL consultato il 17 December 2014.
  103. ^ US in bind over Egypt after supporting Morsi but encouraging protesters, su theguardian.com, The Guardian, 3 July 2015. URL consultato il 21 July 2015.
  104. ^ Justin Elliott, Reagan’s embrace of apartheid South Africa, su salon.com.
  105. ^ Y. G.-M. Lulat, United States Relations with South Africa: A Critical Overview from the Colonial Period to the Present.
  106. ^ Ben Ali Tunisia was model US client - Opinion, su aljazeera.com, Al Jazeera English. URL consultato il 10 agosto 2014.
  107. ^ Herb Scott, 1.5 million cheer Nixon in Madrid, October 3, 1970.
  108. ^ David L. Raby, Fascism and Resistance in Portugal: Communists, Liberals and Military Dissidents in the Opposition to Salazar, 1941–1974, 1988, p. 166.
  109. ^ The Soviet Union received substantial support from the U.S.after Nazi Germany invaded in Operation Barbarossa in 1941 to the end of the war in 1943, per the version of the Wikipedia articles accessed 2015-04-18 (and many other sources).
  110. ^ Yugoslavia and USA: Tito at the White House, su yugotimes.com, Yugoslavian Times, 23 February 2016.
  111. ^ Clinton concedes regret for U.S. support of Greek junta. The Topeka Capital-Journal. November 21, 1999.
  112. ^ Birand, Mehmet Ali. 12 Eylül, Saat: 04.00, 1984, pg. 1
  113. ^ Ceausescu`s Romania Was Once A Pet Of U.s., in tribunedigital-chicagotribune.
  114. ^ The Chinese Revolution of 1949 - 1945–1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian, su history.state.gov.
  115. ^ Embracing the “enemy”: some aspects of the mutual relations between the United States and Thailand under field marshal Phibunsongkhram, 1948–1957
  116. ^ Thanom Kittikachorn; Thai leader was US ally in Vietnam, su archive.boston.com, The Boston Globe.
  117. ^ Sarit Thanarat, Pro-U. S. Thai Premier, Dies at 55 (December 9, 1963), su archives.chicagotribune.com.

Further reading

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