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Vernonia amygdalina

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Classificazione scientifica

Vernonia amygdalina,fa parte della famiglia delle Asteraceae, un piccolo arbusto che cresce nell'Africa tropicale. Essa ha un sapore amaro. Le foglie possono essere consumate sia come verdura che comeestratto acquoso com tonico per il trattamnto di varie malattie. Si è visto, nella foresta, alcuni scimpanzè mangiare istintivamente le foglie, se affetti da qualche infezione parassitaria.[1] Many herbalists and naturopathic doctors recommend aqueous extracts for their patients as treatment for emesis, nausea, diabetes, loss of appetite-induced abrosia, dysentery and other gastrointestinal tract problems. Until the last decade or so, there were only anecdotal reports and claims to support the health benefits. The anecdotal reports are now being supported by scientific evidence that a V. amygdalina regimen or consumption as dietary supplements may provide multiple health benefits.[senza fonte]

Vernonia amygdalina extracts may help suppress, delay, or kill cancerous cell in many ways, such as:

  • Induction of apoptosis as determined in cell culture and animal studies.[2][3]
  • Enhanced Chemotherapy Sensitivity - V. amygdalina extracts may render cancerous cells to be more sensitive to chemotherapy.[2]
  • Inhibition of the growth or growth signals of cancerous cells.[4][5][6][7]
  • Suppression of metastasis of cancerous cells in the body by the inhibition of NFҡB is an anti-apoptotic transcription factors as demonstrated in animal studies.[3]
  • Reduction of estrogen level in the body by the suppression of Aromatase activity.[8] The Involvement of blood estrogen level in the etiology of estrogen receptor (ER) positive breast cancer has been widely reported.[9] Additional source of estrogen production in humans besides the ovary and adrenal gland is the conversion of testosterone to estrogen in a reaction catalyzed by Aromatase. Many studies have shown positive correlations between blood estrogen levels and breast cancer risks.[9] Therefore, compounds that inhibit Aromatase activity are used for the treatment of breast cancer.
  • Antioxidants - V. amygdalina may provide anti-oxidant benefits.[10]
  • Enhancement of the immune system - Many studies have shown that V. amygdalina extracts may strengthen the immune system through many cytokines (including NFҡB, pro inflammatory molecule) regulation.[2]

Studies conducted using streptozotocin-induced diabetic laboratory animals showed that V. amygdalina administration decreased blood glucose by 50% compared to untreated diabetic animals.[11]

  1. ^ Huffman, M.A.; Seifu, M. Primates, 1989, 30, 51.
  2. ^ a b c Sweeney CJ, Mehrotra S, Sadaria MR, Kumar S, Shortle NH, Roman Y, Sheridan C, Campbell RA, Murray DJ, Badve S, Nakshatri H. The sesquiterpene lactone parthenolide in combination with docetaxel reduces metastasis and improves survival in a xenograft model of breast cancer. Mole. Cancer Ther. 4(6), 1004, 2005.
  3. ^ a b Song YJ, Lee DY, Kim SN, Lee KR, Lee HW, Han JW, Kang DW, Lee HY, Kim YK. Apoptotic potential of seequiterpene lactone ergolide through the inhibition of NF-kB signaling pathway. J. Pharmacol. 57(12), 1591-1597, 2005.
  4. ^ Izevbigie, EB, Bryant JL, Walker A. Natural Inhibitor of Extracelular Signal-Regulated Kinases and Human Breast Cancer Cells. Exp Biol & Medicine 229:163-169, 2004.
  5. ^ Opata, M.M.; Izevbigie, E.B. Aqueous V. amygdalina Extracts Alter MCF-7 Cell Membrane Permeability and Efflux. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 3(2): 174-179, 2006.
  6. ^ Kupchan SM, Hemingway RJ, Karim A, Werner D. Tumor inhibitors. XLVII. Vernodalin and vernomygdin, two new cytotoxic sesquiterpene lactones from vernonia amygdalina J. Org. Chem. 34(12), 3908, 1969.
  7. ^ Jisaka M, Ohigashi H, Takegawa K, Huffman MA, Koshimizu K. Antitumoral and antimicrobial activities of bitter sesquiterpene latones of vernonia amygdalina, a possible medical agent used by wild chimpanzees. Biosci Biochem. 57(5), 833, 1993.
  8. ^ Blanco JG, Gil RR, Bocco JL, Meragelman TL, Genti-Raimondi S, Flurry A. J Pharmacol Exp. Ther. 297(3): 1099, 2001.
  9. ^ a b Colditz GA, Hankinson SE, Hunter DJ, Willett WC, Manson JE, Sampler MJ, Henneckens C, Rosner B, Spiezer FE. The use of estrogen and progestin and the risk of cancer in postmenopausal women. N. Engl. J. Med. 332(24), 1589, 1995.
  10. ^ Erasto P, Grierson DS, Afolayan AJ. Evaluation of Antioxidant activity and the fatty acid profile of the leaves of Vernonia amygdalina growing in South Africa. Food Chemistry 104: 636-642, 2007.
  11. ^ Nwanjo HU. Efficacy of aqueous leaf extract of Vernonia amygdalina on plasma lipoprotein and oxidative status in diabetic rat models. Nigerian J Physiological Sciences 20(1-2): 30-42, 2005.