Coordinate: 45°32′53.56″N 9°17′32.17″E


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Moncucco was an autonomous Italian municipality until March 30, 1871, when, due to a royal decree, it became hamlet of the town of Brugherio, established in 1866.[1] The actual village is located south of Brugherio, along the road that leads from Milan to Vimercate.

Moncucco – Veduta
Moncucco – Veduta
Tempietto di S. Lucio in Moncucco
StatoBandiera dell'Italia Italia
Regione Lombardia
Provincia Monza
Comune Brugherio
Coordinate45°32′53.56″N 9°17′32.17″E
Altitudine145 m s.l.m.
Altre informazioni
Fuso orarioUTC+1
Mappa di localizzazione: Italia

The origin of the name Moncucco is discordant. For someone, it goes back to Gallicism mon cucco [2], that Galli used to indicate the bird cuckoo;[3] for other ones, including Cesare Cantù, it is a term derived from the name of the various countries and french farmhouses called Moncuc.[4]

Ancient period and Middle Ages

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The oldest evidence of Moncucco are two roman inscriptions of the town of Malnido[5] that between 1769 and 1871 was part of Moncucco. This confirms the roman origin of the ancient town (and Brugherio).[4]

The primordial core of Moncucco was on a small hill, where in the Middle Ages a castle was built [6] used as a country residence. Since 1000 this castle was near the ancient chariot road and located in a reclaimed area. With the crisis of imperial, following the investiture struggle, between the eleventh and twelfth centuries, it began flourishing stage inside the city: by the young town of Monza [7] broke away Moncucco, San Damiano and Cassina Baraggia, which were established as autonomous municipalities. Monza was the capital of the territory of the Martesana, which included the entire territory of Brugherio [8], following a grant in 1158 of Frederick Barbarossa who encourage the freedom of the town at the expense of Milan, the city of the Emperor's enemy. The news about Moncucco are sporadic: for example, it's known that in 1339 an exceptional flood of Lambro river hit some areas of Brugherio including Malnido and Moglia, coming up to Moncucco.[4]

At number 107 of Viale Lombardia in Moncucco, where there is the seat of the town hall, it is still visible the coat of arms of the hamlet, made of carved stone and placed where once stood the front door of the building.[4] It depicts in the upper left part a rampant bull, symbol of the soul indomitable peasants, but also the strong work of local livestock, and in the upper right an open door in the form of arc, symbol of the generosity of the nobles. At the center a white field represents the heath.[4][3]

Between sixteenth and eighteenth century

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From census's data of 1530 it's known that Moncucco owned an important oven. It had the surface of 1.574 poles and was inhabited by ten people, divided into three families, whose leaders were stewards or farmers responsible for the manse, land owned by a gentleman that allowed them to use it in exchange for part of the harvest or of particular services. In Moncucco prevailed owned large and medium-sized property and there was a great deal of agricultural and little manufacturing activity: most of the cultivated areas was used as a vineyard, and between 1530 and 1546 increased the laborers. The 1546 census shows the presence of many fodder for family in Moncucco, index of relative comfort. From 1530 to 1546, population growth remained stable throughout the territory of Brugherio, while from 1541 to 1546 there was a marked decline with a concentration of fuochi [9] in Moncucco, perhaps due to intensified tax, since it was based precisely on the fuochi the taxation system. In 1559 with the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis the State of Milan finally passed to the Habsburgs of Spain who already ruled indirectly for almost thirty years. Moncucco was part of the Court of Monza, which, although it was geographically situated in the Peasantry of Martesana, in 1559 came under the jurisdiction of the magistrate of Milan for matters of civil and criminal problems, for public order and for the distribution of fodder.[1]

In 1578 it has attested the presence of consuls in Brugherio: they probably existed even for the bigger town of Moncucco. Always in 1578 Saint Charles Borromeo, archbishop of Milan, began a decentralization plane of powers of the archpriest of Monza establishing new parishes: in the cities and in the countryside just outside Monza there was only the parish of Saint John to officiate the sacrament of baptism. The first church that the archibishop turned into parish was the one of St. Bartholomew in June 15, 1578, when he was in Brugherio, after visiting Monza. In the report of a visit of Cardinal Federico Borromeo at the church of Saint Bartholomew, the parish of St. Bartholomew was also included Moncucco, which at that time counted fifty inhabitants. The population, which in the second half of the sixteenth century had grown despite the plague of 1576-77, in the first half of the seventeenth century saw a remarkable arrest due to the return of the plague. In 1648 the manor of Monza was sold by Antonio and Girolamo de Leyva [10] to Giambattista Durini and his brothers. The Durini kept the feud of Monza untill 1781, when they gave up the jurisdiction because it was too expensive to maintain.[1]

The crisis caused by the Thirty Years' War, the plague, the invasions of the soldiers and the high taxes aggravated the conditions of the populations of Moncucco and the area of ​​Brugherio, bringing the properties to fractionate more and more. This is evidenced by the survey ordered for the new Land Registry by Charles VI of Austria, who since 1721 had contolled spanish territories in Italy. A map drawn in 1721 by the Carolino Land Registry shows the size of Moncucco with Bettolino Freddo, Cassina Pobbia, Dorderio, Cassina Guzzina, San Cristoforo and Moglia [11], and all the crops present therein.[12] Maria Teresa, daughter of Charles VI, established a new council of the Census not only to complete the father's one, but also to implement taxes and administrative reforms: between them it is known the reform of the decision-making body of Moncucco and the Convocato degli estimati.[13] This consisted of only landowners,between them the most esteemed, three, held the power of decision. Before 1755, the year of reform, the General Assembly was also made up of householders not landowners.[1]

In 1769 the Government established the Census aggregation of many small towns under Moncucco, even if against the advice of some like San Cristoforo, Moglia, Dorderio, Guzzina, Pobbia, Malnido [14] and Bettolino Freddo. In the middle of the eighteenth century the population of all these small towns was of 236 people, of which only 117 in Moncucco. The small number is due to the agricultural character of the area, which had few and isolated inhabitants: agriculture in fact always remained the main activity of Moncucco, which had neither business nor the mills of merchants. There are reports of an infringement by Moncucco, the old law of 1470 of Galeazzo Sforza which established the maximum number of mulberry trees for every one hundred perches: evidently sericulture and silk production were still flourishing during the Austrian government.[1]

Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: Paolo Andreani § Flight.

From Villa Sormani's park in Moncucco on 13th March 1784 Count Paolo Andreani made the famous ascension with the balloon, first experience of human flight in Italy.[1]

The nineteenth century

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With the French domination (1796-1814) the division of the territory linked to parishes was replaced by the organization of departments, districts and cantons and Monza was included in the Department of Olona. 13 January, 1812 Moncucco was incorporated in Monza together with Brugherio and San Damiano. With the Restoration, the territory was reorganized into provinces and districts: Monza became part of the Province of Milan. In the nineteenth century Moncucco remained a predominantly agricultural town, in which, however, between 1751 and 1856 greatly spread the already practiced cultivation of mulberry. The spinning mill of Moncucco was on the left side of Villa Sormani and composed by just a porch.[1] Between 1855 and 1873 municipalities were again measured and recorded with the production of new maps:[15] the census operations were conducted between the end of Austrian domination and the formation of Italy as a unified state. Lombardy already in 1859, with the armistice of Villafranca, was ceded by Austria to the Kingdom of Sardinia, after the War of Independence.[1]

From municipality to hamlet

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The reasons that bring the decision of the unification of Brugherio's territory were administrative and financial: it was necessary to overcome particularism, tax differences and territorial fragmentation. Moncucco, which was the most common split in 1856 was described by the Census of Buildings as divided in small groups of farms, with different centers, but without a real country.[1] Initially with the Royal Decree, signed by Vittorio Emanuele II of 8 December 1866, constituted the Municipality of Brugherio and States, including part of the territory belonging to Monza, the whole center, Baraggia and Sant'Ambrogio.[3] Subsequently, the Edict of the 30 March 1871 of the Board of the Census, it also incorporated Moncucco (without Malnido) and San Damiano, autonomous until then. In the same year on March 30 with the Decree number 84912, it was removed from the town of Sant'Alessandro and joined the town of Moncucco also Occhiate's territory; Malnido Bettolino Freddo instead went under the municipality of Cologno Monzese.[1]

The twentieth century: industrialization

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Throughout the late nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century, Brugherio (and with it the hamlet of Moncucco) remained tied to agriculture, while in Milan the industrialization rapidly progressed. Initially landowners, who administered the City, forbade their employees to work in the nascent factories of Milan, Monza and Sesto San Giovanni; but after 1909, thanks to the first socialist struggles and strikes, the family could decide how many employees could be sent at the factories, removing them from working in the fields. Falck's establishment in recent years opened the century of industrial progress in the northeast of Milan, offering jobs to many people from Brugherio. With First World War they increased the spinning mills, which at the end of the war were transformed into woolen mills. In the twenties Ermenegildo Magnaghi, a worker with the talent for mechanics and a good head for business, began working on his own, creating devices for aviation application, operating according to the laws of hydraulics (hitherto little applied) and bringing great advantages in the controls of the aircraft. During the war he presented 44 patents, for which he received an honorary degree from Politecnico di Milano. The company Magnaghi Ermenegildo & C. in Milan was, with more than 2000 employees, the italian record about hydraulics.[3] When they began the bombing of Milan, between 1942 and 1943,  he was moved to this part of the factory in Brugherio to avoid the destruction it, after the purchase by the lords Stanzani of land and buildings of Villa Sormani, in the hamlet of Moncucco . Thus was born the establishment in Brugherio, that throughout the war period produced aeronautical devices. With the advent of CNC machines in the mid-sixties, the Magnaghi Brugherio went into crisis, while in Milan the industry began to flourish. In 1985 the two settlements merged into one direction, moving in Brugherio fabrications of the device components. Magnaghi Milan currently exports its products all over the world and is the first Italian manufacturer of hydraulic systems.[3]

Historical places

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Villa Sormani

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Built in the eighteenth century over an ancient castle, it is the perfect example of "villa of delights", a country residence which spread to the north-east of Milan in the first decades of the eighteenth century. Example of Lombard Baroque, the villa belonging to the Marquis Silva passed in 1733 to the Spanish nobleman Don Carlo Bolagnos, who in 1779 took over the Andreani. In 1817 the villa became the property of the family Sormani; in 1913 of Verri and finally the Stanzani, which in the eighties sold the villa to private.[16]

Villa Sormani-Andreani

Saint Lucius Church

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The church was born in the sixteenth century as a chapel dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua, attached to the convent of Saint Francis in Lugano. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, when under Napoleon struck the religious institutions, the fathers of the convent inserted their headquarters in the list of buildings to suppress. In fact, in 1812 he decided alienation, and in 1815, the complex was put up for auction. The architect and teacher at the Brera Academy Giocondo Albertolli, brother of the purchaser of the land Albertolli Christmas, wanted to save at least the church of Saint Anthony, which he attributed to Bramante. Thanks to Count Gianmario Andreani who bought the church, it was possible to completely disassemble the building, and brought parts from Lugano to the park of Villa Sormani-Andreani, where it was rebuilt in 1832 and where it received the new dedication to Saint Lucius, in memory of an ancient pre-existing oratory dedicated to the Holy Pope martyr.[16]

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j (Italian) Luciana Tribuzio Zotti, Brugherio nei documenti, Brugherio, Musicografica Lombarda, 1986. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  2. ^ My cuckoo
  3. ^ a b c d e (Italian) Manuela Mancini, Brugherio: presente e passato, Milano, Swan, 1996. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  4. ^ a b c d e (Italian) Brugherio: 2000 anni di storia, Brugherio, 1966. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  5. ^ Today S. Maurizio al Lambro, hamlet of Cologno Monzese
  6. ^ On the ruins of which in '700 was built Villa Sormani
  7. ^ Perhaps of late eleventh century
  8. ^ Moncucco, San Damiano and Cassina Baraggia
  9. ^ Fuochi stands for families
  10. ^ de Leyva's family held the fief of Monza at least since 1541, when Louis de Leyva was count
  11. ^ Considered all the Court of Monza, but distinct and separate towns, united simply because it was made only measurement
  12. ^ (Italian) Archivio di Stato di Milano. Moncucco. Comune censuario, su URL consultato il 22 settembre 2015. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  13. ^ The members met twice a year to approve the budget and final accounts of the community, controlled the distribution of taxes, decided on costs and also elected the Deputation, consisting of three representatives of the largest most esteemed and other two people: a paying personal taxes and a merchant or a craftsman
  14. ^ First under Monza's supervision
  15. ^ (Italian) Archivio di Stato di Milano. Moncucco di Monza ed Uniti. Comune censuario, su URL consultato il 22 settembre 2015. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  16. ^ a b (Italian) Brugherio: i suoi luoghi, la sua storia, Brugherio, Litostampa, 2009. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  • (Italian) Luciana Tribuzio Zotti, Brugherio nei documenti, Brugherio, Musicografica Lombarda, 1986. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  • (Italian) Manuela Mancini, Brugherio: presente e passato, Milano, Swan, 1996. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  • (Italian) Brugherio: 2000 anni di storia, Brugherio, 1966. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)
  • (Italian) Brugherio: i suoi luoghi, la sua storia, Brugherio, Litostampa, 2009. Lingua sconosciuta: Italian (aiuto)

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