Utente:Esculapio/Sandbox/Flora Kilimanjaro

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Parco nazionale del Kilimanjaro

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database botanici

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Database immagini {{PD}}

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  • Stock.xchng - Migliaia di foto (più di 9.000 nella categoria 'animals', più di 7.600 nella categoria 'plants'), di cui la maggior parte è di pubblico dominio ({{PD}})
  • http://www.hear.org/ - Images are copyright free. Feel free to use them as you wish. There is no charge. You can credit "Forest & Kim Starr (USGS)". If possible, we would appreciate a copy of or link to the publications they are used in. e-mail: starrimages@hear.org.

foto disponibili

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Hello Tato!
I have heard of the wikipedia!  It would be a pleasure to let you use a few of my photos 
on Kilmanjaro plants and animals.  I have only one small condition and that is to please
 write on each of the photo captions after the title: 
copyright Cori Ryan,  2005.  or © Cori Ryan, 2005.  
And please let me know when you post them so I can see the results!
Thank you for enjoying my photos and finding a very good use to them.