Discussioni categoria:Sri Chinmoy

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In questa categoria compare di tutto tranne filosofi: mistici, atleti, musicisti, asteroidi... Sri Chinmoy non è stato un filosofo, resta comunque questa categoria, che francamente cancellerei.
--DonatoD (msg) 10:18, 3 dic 2013 (CET)[rispondi]

Mr. Chinmoy spread his philosophy through his own way of life, exercising and creating art and music. He drew attention by power-lifting pickup trucks and public figures like Muhammad Ali and Sting.http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/13/nyregion/13chinmoy.html?_r=0--Richard Reinhardt (msg) 11:01, 4 dic 2013 (CET)[rispondi]

- Sri Chinmoy, Indian Philosopher, Dead At 76 http://www.qgazette.com/news/2007-10-17/features/034.html --Richard Reinhardt (msg) 16:28, 4 dic 2013 (CET)[rispondi]

To say that someone "spreads his philosophy" does not mean he is a philosopher: a lot of people spread his philosophy all around... Neither we can accept the point of view of a unknown journalist: to call someone "philosopher" we need good references, encyclopedic references I mean; we need to read his works about philosophical questions: original works I mean. On the other side, in his official site we read Sri Chinmoy was a "spiritual leader", not he was a philosopher...
--DonatoD (msg) 22:12, 4 dic 2013 (CET)[rispondi]