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Nel paragrafo "Requisiti di Sistema" viene indicata la compatiblità, peraltro senza indicare a che versione si riferisce e su quale piattaforma (Win / *nix / Android / ...).
Forse per la compatibilità sarebbe meglio mantenere i termini inglesi usati nel forum ufficiale ( http://forums.ppsspp.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=5 ):

  • Fully playable
  • Playable Games (games that go ingame and are reasonably playable )
  • In-game (in-game but are unplayable)
  • Menu, Intro (games that only reach the intro or menus)
  • Games that don't boot / totally black screen

Numero di thread del forum sulla compatibilità (varie piattaforme assieme nello stesso thread):
Pla.G. 1'285 / In-G. 155 / Men., Int. 12 / G.T.D.'tB.-T.B.S. 4

E' uscita la versione 1.4 il 20170331 (v. 1.4 @ 20170423). ( http://www.ppsspp.org/#news )

Riguardo i requisiti, nel sito principale, ho trovato solo questo dalla FAQ ( http://ppsspp.org/faq.html ):
Why is PPSSPP so slow?
You probably run PPSSPP on a mobile device. These devices usually have very poor OpenGL ES drivers, although the situation is improving. PSP games do things that are not friendly to modern GPUs so good drivers really help. The CPU emulation through JIT is now fast enough that it usually is not the bottleneck.
What are the PC CPU and GPU requirements?
Any reasonably modern CPU will be just fine, and any GPU that can handle OpenGL 2.0 should have no issues. You should make sure to install the latest graphics drivers available though. Windows XP or later is required, Windows 7 or 8 is recommended. On some older computers, you may need to use the DirectX backend.


Download @ 20170423 ( http://www.ppsspp.org/downloads.html ), anche per controllare le piattaforme correntemente supportate ufficialmente (Win/Linux/MacOS/Android):

  • v1.4 PPSSPP Gold for Android
  • v1.4 PPSSPP for Android
  • v1.4 PPSSPP for Windows
  • v1.4? PPSSPP Gold for Windows (Temporarily unavailable)
  • v1.4.0.51 PPSSPP for Pandora [via Repo Open Pandora, N.d.N²+]
  • v1.4 PPSSPP for Linux (i386 ed amd64)
  • v1.4? PPSSPP for iOS (PPSSPP works on jailbroken iPhones and iPads with Cydia installed. PPSSPP Cydia Repo, Version-dev-working v1.4-109-g2c6161c2c / Version-dev-latest v1.4-109-g2c6161c2c)
  • v1.4? PPSSPP for MacOSX (Version-dev-working v1.4-109-g2c6161c2c / Version-dev-latest v1.4-109-g2c6161c2c)
  • v0.9.9 PPSSPP for Blackberry 10 (Note! Blackberry is no longer supported.)
  • v?.? PPSSPP for Maemo (Note! Maemo is not officially supported.) [link va a "403 Forbidden" da Win764+Chrome, N.d.N²+]
  • v0.9.2 PPSSPP for Meego / Harmattan (Note! Meego is no longer supported.) [Daily builds via http://qtness.com/ppsspp.html KO, N.d.N²+]
  • v0.9.9 PPSSPP for Symbian (Note! Symbian is no longer supported.)
  • via PPSSPPBuildBot iOS, Android, OSX, Linux i386, Linux amd64
  • Compilando direttamente dal Source code / dal sorgente, disponibile da Git

[da controllare direttamente la versione standard per il download per iOS ed OSB via iOS ed OSX perché da Win764+Chrome non riesco a controllare direttamente, n.d.N²+]

Buona giornata, Nickh ²+, -- (msg) 15:58, 23 apr 2017 (CEST).[rispondi]

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